A strange thing happened this morning at 5-6 am I suddenly hear a bird peeping out load outside my window a really different sound of a bird. I asked Jackie if she heard it too, in case i wasen't dreaming about it... She actually did hear it too.
And when my alarm went on I turned it off, guess what? The bird stopped peeping too! :O
You know what Jackie told me about it? That it was Tanya who wanted me to wake up!
I believe she's an angel who's watching over us! ❤️
A friend added me on FB this afternoon and it hit me, I suddenly realized she's really gone for real! </3
I've been so busy the last few weeks before she went... I haven't let myself break down yet.
But this afternoon at work i almost burst into tears. I just starred and pepole was like "dude the earth is calling!"